The effect of post harvest treatments on vase life longivety of Tuberose

Rajaa hussein
General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research ،Administration of Horticulture Research
Factualty of Agriculture – Damascus University.


To study the effects of post-harvest treatments on the vase life of the  inflorescences of ”Polianthes tuberose L.” several treatments were applied by injecting the infloresces for 24 h by different substances: Gibberelic acid 2 % and 4 % ; Sucrose 10% and 20 % and the substance of 1-MCP in two concentrations 150 ppb and 300 ppb and control treatment.
All inflorescences after treatment were stored for twenty days at four centigrade in the cold room of the faculty of Agriculture and they were treated with two preservative solutions upon taking them out of the cold room.
 1.5% Sucrose +100 ppm Citric Acid + 50 ppm Silver thiosulphate.
 % Sucrose + 200 ppm Citric Acid + 100 ppm Silver thiosulphate.
Observatives were recorded on the inflorescences prior to the stoage, including weight, stem diameter, flower diameter, number of flowers withered. Those were compared with observations taken after storage, and then daily readings of the number of flowers blooming on inflorescences after placing them in the loose, and after that the vase life of the inflorescences was calculated. Statistical analysis of the results showed significant differences between the treatments of 1 – methyl cyclo propane and the rest of the treatments at the level of 5% for flower diameter change 7.32%, stem diameter loose 1.50%; 3.67% stem weight loose, the number of wilted flowers 5.05% and the life of the inflorescence witch got 8,67 day using the second solution, and Gibberllic acid doesn’t law any possible effect to maintain the quality of inflorences during storage.
The results showed no significant of using Gibberelic acid material before storage of tuberose spikes.