Evaluation and Development Study of Syrian Jameed

Mazen Al- Hassbani
General Commission for Scientific  Agricultural Research-
Food Technology Department
Faculty of Agriculture -Damascus University,


Twenty-five samples of Syrian Jameed were collected and evaluated from five provinces (Deraa, Sweida, Hama, Aleppo and Deir Ezzor) with five samples from every province. The samples were subjected to microbial, chemical and sensitive tests. Consequently, the samples which brought from Sweida province were evaluated as the best with reference to microbial and sensitive tests. While, the samples which brought from Hama, Aleppo and Deir Ezzor were evaluated as the best chemically according to the rates of salt, ash and protein.
Jameed was manufactured in laboratory by two ways, namely traditional way and modern modified way, but with a little modification regarding salt addition to the curds at a rate of 2.5% instead of 5% and followed two different kinds of dryness:
(i) naturally dryness by solar dryness which took place through a period of eight days; and (ii) the laboratory dryness by using an laboratory drier at temperature 40c for two days only and the standard Jameed humidity is about 10%.
The results clarify that the modern modified way for manufacturing Jameed was chosen as the best way depending on increasingly output which was (7.11%) by comparing with the output of the traditional way which was (6.63%).
The Jameed manufactured in laboratory was subjected and evaluated accordingly to microbial, chemical and sensitive aspects. Chemically, the results demonstrated that the samples of the modern modified way were the best, while the sample which was manufactured according to the modern modified way and which applied the solar dryness was the best from the microbial aspect, while the sample which was manufactured according to the modern modified way and dried by the drier was the best from the sensitive aspect.
The samples of Jameed manufactured in laboratory were evaluated better than those which collected from the above provinces through microbial, chemical and sensitive aspects.
The study of microbial and chemical changes which was achieved on Jameed manufactured in laboratory throughout storage period of six months pointed out that the average total account of germs after 15 days of manufacturing date is (5.09—103) cell per gram which did not change throughout storage period. Also, it was illustrated that the average of salt rate in Jameed is (11.26 ± 0.12)% which did not change throughout storage period too. On the other hand, the values of peroxide and fat acid were increased in the stored Jameed, this was because of the natural oxidization and the decomposition of the exposed fat present in Jameed .