Genetic Evaluation for Some Productive Traits of Awassi Sheep at Gedren Research Station, Hama province

Ghiath Al-Abbas
General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research-
(GCSAR), Hama Research Center
Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University,


This study was carried out at Gedren Research Station for Awassi sheep improvement in Hama. Data in this study about milk production (MP), lactation period (LP), weights at birth (BW), 45 day (W45), weaning (WW), 180day (W180), daily gain from birth to 45 day (WG1), daily profit from 45 day to weaning (WG2), and daily gain from weaning to 180day (WG3) were collected. The research aimed to genetic evaluation of Awassi  sheep flock At the station.
1.Milk production and lactation period traitsL:
Data of milk production (MP), lactation period (LP) were collected during the years 1998-2008. Number of records were 2286 related to 845 ewes which due to, generated  132 rams and  some effective factors on (MP), (LP) traits studied. Results showed that (MP) least square means were 155.8±10.4 kg and (LP) 168.6±3.7 day respectively. However, parity effect on the (MP) was highly significant, while it was  insignificant for (LP). Lambing month effect was highly significant for (MP) and (LP). The results have also shown that the effect of ewe age at birth was insignificant for (MP) and (LP), while year of lambing effect was highly significant for both traits (MP and LP). Whereas, Sire effect was highly significant for (MP), but not significant for (LP). Heritability estimates (h2) for  (MP, LP) were 0.29, 0.01 respectively. The genetic and phenotypic coefficients of correlation between (MP) and (LP) were 0.82 and 0.42 respectively.
2. Body weight and growth rates traits:
Data of  lamb weight at birth (BW), 45 day (W45), weaning (WW), 180 day (W180) were collected during the years 1998-2008. Number of records were 2360 for 162 rams. The daily gain from birth to 45 day (WG1), daily gain from 45 day to weaning (WG2), and daily gain from weaning to 180 day (WG3), were calculated, and some effective factors on these traits were studied. The results showed that the least square means of (BW),(W45),(WW) and (W180) were 4.36±0.07, 13.03±0.3, 15.98±0.35, and 30.72±0.67 kg, respectively. The least square means of (WG1), (WG2) and (WG3) were 144.53±4.41, 196.36±7.85 and 109.26±3.42 g/day, respectively. The effect of birth month was highly significant for all traits, but significant for (W180), and insignificant for  (WG2) (WG3). Lambing type effect was highly significant for all traits except (WG3) which was insignificant. The effect of Born sex  was highly significant for the traits; (BW), (W180), (WG3), (WW) and (WG2), and insignificant for (W45) and (WG1). The effect of birth year was highly significant for all traits except (WG2) which was insignificant. The effect of Sire was highly significant for all traits except for (WG2) which was significant. Heritability estimates (h2) of (BW),(W45),(WW), (W180), (WG1), (WG2) and (WG3) were 0.20, 0.21, 0.22, 0.26, 0.19, 0.07, and 0.16, respectively. The coefficient of  correlation  for all  studied traits ranged  between (0.07 to 0.98) and (-0.01 to 0.97) for genetic and phenotypic correlations coefficients, respectively.