Evaluating the Role of Mixtures in Improving the Grain Yield of Durum Wheat under Rainfed Conditions

General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research-
Deraa Research Center
Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University


This study was conducted in cooperation with Faculty of Agriculture of University of Aleppo, during the seasons 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. Four varieties of durum wheat adopted by GCSAR were chosen in the 2nd agro-ecological, namely, (Cham3, Cham5, and Hourani1) and mixed these items with each other to form three types of mixtures, and within each type have been attributed to the adoption of several mixed as follows:
Binary alloys (12-4) (8-8) (4-12)
Three alloys (5.3-5.3-5.3) (8-6-2) (6-8-2) (2-6-8)
Quad-alloys (8-4 – 2-2).
Figures in brackets show the number of lines of cultivated species within each experimental plot, and planted four varieties pure culture within each type of mixtures, and have been mixed in two different ways: the first varieties were planted in one piece in the experimental lines adjacent to distinguish when you take the indicators studied them; and second: is mixed with the seed before planting the same proportions above the previous cultivation, in order to achieve greater overlap between the items.
Planted transactions resulting in three replicates according to random sectors of the full design (RCBD), and were compared with results obtained in agriculture, water and agriculture humoral as well as examine the relations of the link to some of qualities and characteristics of formal and Alphenologip and quality with yield and its components.
The results showed the ability of most mixtures to be superior to the individual components, in most studied traits. Progress has been achieved or the increase in yields better alloys Quartet for the season (2007 – 2008) mixtures of bilateral and trilateral season (2006-2007) as demonstrated by the ability of genetic diversity in more in (2007 – 2008) than in (2006-2007) and to increase the genetic base in mixtures Quartet and the Troika, has had a greater influence to resist the harsh environmental conditions for a season (2007-2008) in terms of high temperatures and low rainfall and ill-distributed. Comparison of yields of the mixtures planted on adjacent lines showed that the method of mixing seeds before planting resulted in greater overlap between the items and showed mixtures as advantageous.
The study showed the correlation between plant status and 1000-grain weight t was more closely associated with traits grain yield, and both the number of grain plants, plants harvesting, and the length of spike and Ambassa, associated with grain yield positive and significant relationship, while associated with both the number of days, and the number of days until maturity, protein content and significant negative relationship with yield. While there was no significant correlation between the grain yield, and the number of Alictaouat.