Identifying the Ideal Conditions for Producing Syrian Chanklish from Buttermilk

Ola Mohamad Al-Saied
General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research- Department of Food Technology,
Faculty of Agriculture,Damascus University,


The aim of this investigation is to identify the factors affecting the quality of Syrian Chanklish made from buttermilk, and characterize this product though :

  1. Discribsion of chanklish processing in different regions of Syria .
  2. Identify The chemical composition of chanklish ( moisture , salinity , acidity …etc) starting from raw materials to final fermented product .
  3. Study the microbiol changes under different maturation conditions .
  4. Isolation and identification of moulds in ripe fermented product.
  5. Specify the optimal conditions for chanklish processing .

Ten samples of chanklish were made traditionally by housewives or small local producers  under direct supervision as base for laboratory processing . Chemical and microbiological tests were carried out for each stage of processing . Organoleptic  tests for final product also made by ten  panelists . Moulds existing on final product were also identified .

Fifty samples of chanklish were made in laboratory using range of added salts and drying periods. Chemical and microbiological tests for each stage were also conducted similar to those traditionally made samples. The study showed significant effect for percentage of salt  and drying period on salinity and moisture content. The effect of drying period was detrimental for product quality with best results obtained with samples dried for 3 – 4 days.

Mould identification showed the presence of Pinicillium commun in all tested samples,  Aspergillus flavus was existed only in samples of moisture content above 51 % , salt below 8.5 %, and more than 1.1 % acidity .

statistical analysis showed that the ideal percentage of added salt ranged from 6 – 6.5 %  , and for karish  moisture (raw material) ranged from 70.50- 72.00 %  , and for final product after drying ranged from  49.2-50.30 % , also the ideal salt percentage after drying ranged from 9.2-9.7 %. Equation for correlation between relation increase in dry matter, percentage of salt added, and period of drying also proposed .