Annual meeting of the Natural Resources Research Administration (ANRR)-2018

Under the patronage of the Director General of the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Dr. Magda Mofleh, held the annual meeting of the Natural Resources Research Administration (ANRR) at the headquarters of ANRR to discuss the research plan of the Administration in presence of the Director General Deputy, Directors of Research Administrations, Heads of Research Centers, Heads of Natural Resources Research Departments in the Syrian governorates, Heads of Research Departments and researchers, the meeting discussed the research plan for 2018 and the most important results in field of water requirements for crops, water planning, irrigation water quality, surface water resources, rainwater harvesting, soil fertility, plant nutrition, soil conservation, conservation agriculture, GIS, remote sensing, , soil chemistry and physics, environment, forestry and pastures. Meanwhile, the cooperation with international organizations was discussed. Furthermore, the joint researches with the Research Administrations in the field of water and fertilizers requirements for newly adopted varieties of crop and vegetable in Syria were discussed.